I am also a fan of being able to switch between them, since hemo does not have a. My main gripe with BS is that it’s a very slow CP generator, whereas hemorrhage costs almost half the energy. Undeads’ strength for the Rogue class is in their ability to deal with crowd control with Volonté des Réprouvés, making them immune to Fear, Charm and Sleep for 5 seconds. However, I am torn between spending my talent points on purely backstabbing or if I can add hemo in there as well. Orc isn’t bad either especially if you engage in both PvP and PvE. Windfury Totem makes this build even stronger if you are a Horde player, but it can do insane damage even for Alliance players, as you. A properly geared Rogue, by the way, is capable of haunting damage numbers. Might also put 5 points in sub for extra backstab damage. This time around I’m going daggers, probably SF with a few points in combat for improved sprint / lowered cooldown. My only complaint so far really is that most escort quests, for some damned reason aren't cooperative, quite a few only give quest credit to the original accepter, not the ones who get the "X is starting Y, do you want it as well?"Įdit My ultimate Meme Dream Build would be getting the Random Enchantment increased off-hand damage on every single piece of equipment, two beastly two-handers and Titan's Grip that shit smacking Lava Lashes with the fury of a thousand suns. I’m a really big fan of daggers, and I am trying to create a decent PvP build. While dual wield is stronger with perfect gear, it is generally easier to gear for two-hander talents, especially early on in WoW Classic, when Hit gear is hard to come by. Seal fate daggers used to be pretty great in PvP back in the day. It's a blast, and as someone who's essentially played WoW continously since February 2005 and would probably be looking at at least 2-3 years /played accross all characters, Ascension has truly breathed fresh life into a game I know 99,9% by heart. I'm proper looking forward to level 60 though, figuring out how things work separately and in unison I find very enjoyable, and the way talents and abilities work offers the ultimate freedom "But what if I get maelstrom weapon and lightning overload with mostly double weapon attacks for more procs, and then heroic strike to lower my main hand hit cap to 8%" etc.

As Venthyr you will use the Raiding build instead in keys.

Most of its power comes from frequent, high-stack Arcane Barrage casts. This build is intended for sustained AoE.
Wow ascension dagger build full#
We're leveling at the speed of light, despite 1x XP with me in a full AoE tank build and her blowing shit up with flamestrike, aggro everything within sight, tank it and spank it. Recommended Arcane Mage Builds Arcane Mage builds Leveling as Arcane is great and the recommended mage spec for leveling, here is a sample leveling talent build. I quite enjoy it, me and my girlfriend are leveling together, right now sat at 45.