You may also want to add graphic elements for a better appeal. Good, targeted, marketing emails often have branded headers, footers containing your website, social media handles, and other contact information, and they should always have an unsubscribe option. Some of them have mocked-up branding, footers, or social media elements, but not all and they should not serve as models for your email design.

These examples are focused on the email copy only. But let’s just cover a few things before we begin: 1. I am very excited for you to be able to perform the miracle that is copy + paste for these email templates, thereby making your life easier and your brain a little less mad at you.
How to use these email examples and templates So to also spare you the scrolling and searching time, I’ve created a nifty little table o’ contents so you can find exactly what you need for your small business. In fact, there are a whopping 34 examples and templates here. So, I wasn’t kidding when I said I created email examples for everything under the sun. So to spare you time spent coming up with effective email copy yourself, I’ve put together this handy collection of email examples and templates–for just about everything under the sun. Whether you’re launching a new product, following up with a client, or simply confirming a purchase, it’s just never as simple as it seems. (And, one could argue that compelling content in the subject line and body of the email contributes to higher open rates and click-through rates, so email copywriting could be related to that challenge as well.)

In fact, nearly 50% of respondents in one survey said creating compelling content was their biggest challenge when it comes to email marketing. Yet while email marketing remains incredibly effective today, coming up with the copy for those emails has never been super easy. It’s been around for ages and when maintained properly, yields long-term success for your marketing efforts. Email marketing is like the Toyota of digital marketing strategies.